Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Public Art at the Library

I’m not a big fan of public art to start with.  But I wonder about the folks who selected the “art” for the library. Is anyone inspired by old bottles hanging over the stairwell?  And then, there’s the two story high mosaic by the parking lot entrance.  It was a great idea.  You fill bookshelves with books of different colored spines, and when you stand back far enough a pixelated image of a librarian urging you to be quiet appears.  The problem is - you can’t stand back far enough to actually SEE the image.    At least it photographs nicely.

Unfortunately, the City Council decided to raid the City’s rainy day reserves to pay for library construction, just as the country was entering into the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930’s.  Now they’re cutting programs and services.  It will be interesting to see how they keep the library open.